Cute Ethiopian girl names with meanings


Abinet : Exemplary
Addisalem: New World / life
Adera : Promise; Sth to be revered, respected and kept well
Adishiwot : New life
Afomia : Is a Saint whom the Angel Michael rescued from Satan. She was strong in spiritual life.  
Agar : Servant of the wife of Abreham, Sarah Genesis 16 & Gelatians 4:21-31.It also means a friend!
Aida: Arabic origin meaning present/Gift
Amelework : Well behaved, Amele, meaning behavior, work, meaning gold(as in precious,beautiful..)
Amleset: she made it possible to get back(Tigrinia) Parents  feel that they have recovered something or someone that was lost(such as death of an older sibling or wealth that was lost)
Amsale : Appearance, after someones  form
Amsalegenet : After the form of heaven, appearing like heaven
Anan : Meaning clouds
Anchimariam : Oh saint Mary
Antsokia: Biblical town where Saint Paul and Barnebas stayed at and preached 
Arsema : Saint Arsema
Asmeret :
Astaws : Remember, reminder
Atsede :Temple
Atsenash : Strengths you
Ayinabeba :Eyes like a flower, beautiful eyes
Aynalem :Eye of the world, light of the world

Ethiopian girl names with meaning

Ehite Mariam: Sister of saint Mary Eliana: ኤልአና -   ኤል   ማለት እግዚአብሔር ማለት ሲሆን አና ማለት ደግሞ «መለሰለኝ» ማለት ነው። በአንድ ላይ «አግዚአብሔር መለሰልኝ» ማለት ነው። ...