Ethiopian girl names


Yalfal : everything (usually pain) will pass by
Yegetanesh : you belong to the lord
Yemiserach : surprise, what a surprise you have been to us
Yenealem : meaning my world, my life, my everything
Yenework : my gold which i look great wearing it;my precious,beauty...
Yeshi : belonging to many, usually associated with being top of the many
Yetnayet : as far as the horizon
Yidedia : liked by God
Yibela : ይቤላ - ኣላት- እግዚአብሔር ይቤላ ለሔዋን፡ እግዚአብሔር ሔዋንን አላት
Yodit: Woman from Judea, Praise. Judith (Genesis 26:34-35)ትርጉም አይሁዳዊት ማለት ነው:: (ዘፍ 26:34-35)
Yodahe: Believer in God(Geez language) used for both boys and girls
Yohana :God is gracious (luke 8:3) ጌታችን ከደቀ መዛሙርቶቹ ጋር ሲያስተምር በሚያስፈልጋቸው ታገለግል የነበረች የሄሮድስ አዛዥ የኩዛ ሚስት ነበርች (ሊቃስ 8:3)

Ethiopian girl names with meaning

Ehite Mariam: Sister of saint Mary Eliana: ኤልአና -   ኤል   ማለት እግዚአብሔር ማለት ሲሆን አና ማለት ደግሞ «መለሰለኝ» ማለት ነው። በአንድ ላይ «አግዚአብሔር መለሰልኝ» ማለት ነው። ...