Nadia : meaning hope
Naomi : pleasant, my sweet
Nardos:the head of a fragrant east Indian plant, which yields a juice of delicious odor, symbolism of Jesus Christ
Natania: gift of God
Natania: gift of God
Nebyat : the prophets
Netsanet : freedom
Nigist : Queen
Nikol: meaning people of victory is a girl name
Nuhamin: Biblical women, Her story shows the capacility of God to bring about great joy by ending great sorrow. (Ruth 4) እንደ ኑሃሚን የምትመርቁ እንጂ የምትራገሙ አትሁኑ:: ታሪኳ የሚያስተምረው እግዚያብሔር ከታላቅ ሐዘን የሚደንቅ ደስታን እንደሚያመጣ ነው:: መጽሐፈ ሩት 4:13-17